Create events with the UI
Long press (or just press) the grid to create an event.
Use the props onGridClick
and onGridLongPress
to setup this feature.
Create events
const createDummyEvent = ({ startDate, duration }) => {
const endDate = new Date(startDate.getTime());
endDate.setHours(startDate.getHours() + duration);
return {
description: 'New Event',
color: 'lightblue',
const eventsWithAddingNew = (prevEvents, payload) => {
// Just an example reducer, you'll probably use your own
const maxId = Math.max( =>;
return [
id: maxId + 1,
const MyComponent = () => {
const [events, addEvent] = useReducer(eventsWithAddingNew, []);
const createSomeNewEvent = (event, startHour, date) => {
// Here you update the DB with some new event
addEvent(createDummyEvent({ startDate: date, duration: 2 }));
return (
onGridClick={createSomeNewEvent} // create on press
onGridLongPress={createSomeNewEvent} // ...and/or on long-press