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You can use this component to display a fixed week, or timetable:

  • Set the fixedHorizontally prop to true
  • For each event, make sure that startDate and endDate are Date objects within this week, otherwise events may not be displayed in the timetable. You can use the function createFixedWeekDate(day, hour, minutes=0, seconds=0) provided to this end (see full API here).
  • Use numberOfDays and pageStartAt props to suit your needs


import WeekView, { createFixedWeekDate } from 'react-native-week-view';

const myEvents = [
id: 1,
description: 'Event 1',
startDate: createFixedWeekDate('Monday', 12), // Day may be passed as string
endDate: createFixedWeekDate(1, 14), // Or as number, 1 = monday
color: 'blue',
id: 2,
description: 'Event 2',
startDate: createFixedWeekDate('wed', 16),
endDate: createFixedWeekDate(3, 16, 30),
color: 'red',

const MyComponent = () => (
// Recommended props:
showTitle={false} // if true, shows this month and year
formatDateHeader="ddd" // display short name days, e.g. Mon, Tue, etc
pageStartAt={{ weekday: 1 }} // start week on mondays
// ... other props